Messages of Love

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Ah, my beautiful dreamer. Let me spend a moment to simply love you. What a magnificent mind! Oh, the wonder of who you are! Do you see us sometimes, we are all around you. We love you so.

Yes, you were told to stop seeing the angels. I remember. You didn't, did you. They would say that you learned the wrong lesson. All you learned was silence.

You watch them all around, and you have forgotten their purpose. This fear is not necessary. The angels are loving servants, dear one. They come and go to give support and solace. You watch them give to others, but you surround yourself in things that you hope will keep them away.

These techniques are useless. They cannot keep the angels away from you. It is you that keeps them away from you, because they honor your request that they do so. If you were to ask them to come to you, dear one, there is no Earthly thing that could keep them from your side in the instant that you gave them permission to wash your feet in tears of love and joy.

It is your human power that "protects" you from the angels. It is your word, your desire, which is all-powerful in keeping them out, or letting them in.

The angels are your servants. They love you. You knew this when you were a child. But others told you that angels are not real, so you had to wonder, what then, are these beings I see? If they are not angels, they must be demons.

Do you remember the day you sent them away? Do you remember how they wept? Do you remember their sorrow? Do you remember how it felt to let them love you? Do you remember, before that day, how loved and wanted you felt?

If you invite them, they will pass those useless Earthly objects as if they did not exist. And they will envelop you in that joyous love again. They stand at the perimeter, waiting, as they have all your life, for you to let them love you again.

It is only your command that keeps them from you.

You are dearly loved. Let them come back and wash you in tears of joyous love. They are your angels. They are here to serve, and to LOVE you.

But only if you let them. Because you are the human, and your word to them is divine.


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