Messages of Love

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Friday, February 23, 2007

scbegonias' daughter

Do you like to draw? Do you like to make things?

Do you see prettiness in things that other people don't even notice?

You are an artist, aren't you, dearest?

Did you know that sometimes, God makes people who are only supposed to help other people see beauty? You're one of those people. Your job is to help make other people happy by making pretty things for them.

You already do that for mommy and daddy, don't you?

No matter what happens, you keep doing that. It is a very special gift that you are giving to the world. You are strong enough, and smart enough to start learning right now how to draw and make things.

That is the special gift that God has given to the children of this unique time in history. That you can start early in understanding what you wish to do with your life.

If helping others see beauty makes you happy and brings you joy, you keep doing it.

Will you hug your mommy for me, and tell her Thank You?

Now, your daddy, too.


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